October 23rd - October 27th is Red Ribbon Week at MMS. On Monday we will begin our I "CAN" say no to drugs canned food drive. Students are encouraged to bring canned food each day to restock our MMS food pantry. The homeroom with the most cans collected by Friday will win a Pizza Party!
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
Canned Food Drive
SGA with be sponsoring a Skating Party for Red Ribbon Week Date: October 24 Time: 6-8 pm Location: The Skating Place in Milan Cost: $7.00 Tickets will be on sale during lunch starting Friday October 20th! They will also be sold at the door. Ticket price includes admission, skate rental and a free pass to come back at a different time.
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
Skating Party
Happy National IT Professionals Day! 🖥️ Today, we celebrate the wizards behind the screens - our IT heroes! From solving tech glitches to keeping our networks secure, you make our digital world run smoothly.
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
IT Professionals
Reminder: There will be no school Friday, September 1st for students. This is a professional development day for teachers. School will be closed for the Labor Day holiday Monday, September 4th.
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
No School
Milan Special School District is excited to announce that we are a level 5 district for the 2022-2023 school year based on TVAAS and TNReady Data! Milan Elementary, Milan Middle, and Milan High School are all Level 5 Schools! 🎉 Thank you to our faculty, staff, students, and parents from all of our schools whose hard work allowed our district to achieve a level 5 status! Thank you for your pursuit of excellence for our students. #MilanLife #MilanAwesome
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
Level 5 District
VFW Patriot's Pen contest for 6th, 7th and 8th grade middle schoolers. The 2023-2024 theme is: "How Are You Inspired by America?" Please scan the QR Code for more details.
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
VFW Patriot's Pen
Your Milan Middle School FUNDRAISER STARTS SOON! Please consider helping when our fundraiser starts on Wednesday, August 16th . We are looking for ALL students and parents to participate in our yearly fall fundraiser. You may either purchase products from our great catalogs OR make a donation! It REALLY helps our school pay for so many EXTRA items we have to pay for ourselves! If EVERYONE would TRY to just hit a “6 item goal” or make a DONATION, we could take care of our fundraising needs! We will also offer ONLINE ordering this year. It is super easy to do! As always, we have a very exciting Prize Program that the students LOVE plus a TON of giveaways while our sale is going on! Also, as a BONUS, we will even have a super nice PHOTO BOOTH for students to enjoy at our prize party! Fun props, background, etc. will be available! Everyone that goes through the photo booth will also receive a super cool and fun 2 x 6 color print! Our goal is 100% participation. It is critical that all parents and students try to help so it is a team effort and we are not relying on a small percentage of the students supporting the entire school. Thank you for your support and for investing in our students.
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
Fundraiser Kick-off
Don't miss updates from Milan Special School District by downloading the Milan Special School District app.
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
The MMS Girls Basketball Team will be hosting a Car Wash on Saturday, August 12th. Come out to meet and support the team!
over 1 year ago, Milan Middle School
Girls Basket Ball Car Wash
Plan on attending Broadway in the Park on May 9th. Our MMS Choir will be performing.
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
Broadway in the Park
Make plans to attend MSSD's Art Show April 29th and 30th from 2-4 p.m. at the Milan FEMA Building. You don't want to miss the outstanding work from students across the district. #MilanLife #MilanAwesome
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
District Art Show
Over 54,000 Tennesseans are required to renew their TennCare in the month of April. Are you one of them? Contact Tennessee Justice Center (615) 255-0331
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
National School Librarian Day is observed internationally on April 4. School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized. They encourage students to pursue reading outside of academic texts. School librarians are also responsible for creating an environment where students are motivated to learn. We appreciate our wonderful librarians in MSSD. Thank you all you do for our students! #MilanLife
almost 2 years ago, Milan Special School District
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month, let’s make a commitment to trying something new. Let’s transform the ways that we work together to preserve and support families! #ChildAbusePreventionMonth #ThrivingFamilies
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
Child Abuse Prevention Month
Reminder: Milan Special School District will be closed in observance of Good Friday on April 7th.
almost 2 years ago, Milan Special School District
Good Friday
We are proud to recognize School Social Workers as they support and provide direct services to students who experience academic and social difficulties, developing relationships that bolster self-esteem and reward positive behavior. Milan is fortunate to have wonderful school social workers to support our students and families. #MilanAwesome #MilanLife #WeRise2023
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
Social Workers
MILAN FINE ARTS NIGHT! Please join us for Milan Fine Arts Night Thursday, March 23rd at Milan Middle School. Tickets are available on Ticket Spicket. https://events.ticketspicket.com/agency/19743d4b-8dfe-49a0-b8a9-e891e2bff646/events/5a905370-5be5-4a16-b148-62813571c789
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
Milan Fine Arts Night
Good News! Online and in school order deadline for yearbooks has been extended! The cost is $45. 😃💜🤩 https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/milanmiddle
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
yearbook order
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR 8TH GRADE PARENTS Parents of the Class of 2027 it is time to register your student for high school! Please use the following link to schedule your individual meeting time at MHS. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrh3jI3NidDxvEJ1-FDLk9Kgio4QT8Wk87WmAd_v5Wgx7HmA/viewform
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School
LAST DAY TO ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK IS FEBRUARY 24TH! Yearbooks must be pre-ordered in order to receive one. You may order online or in the bookstore. The cost is $45.00. There may not be any extras to purchase. If you want one, PLEASE ORDER NOW! https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/milanmiddle
almost 2 years ago, Milan Middle School